Recent changes to Australia’s employment landscape have left many workplaces scrabbling to keep up. Human Resources and Legal teams are being tasked with advising the business and adapting workplace practices and policies to align with evolving regulations.
In a recent HR leader’s forum held at The Next Step in Brisbane, Deanna McMaster and Leyla Dixon from MinterEllison discussed significant industrial relations reforms, new Respect@Work legislation, an increased focus on psychosocial health and safety and imminent Privacy Act reforms. Below are our key takeaways from the event and a good summary of what’s keeping many on their toes in 2023.
Australian workplaces currently face a multitude of regulatory reforms. Employers and their HR teams are busy understanding and implementing changes.
o Federal wage theft regime
o ‘Same Job, Same Pay’ principles to match wages between direct hire and labour hire workers
o Common law definition of casual employee
o Good faith bargaining guidelines
o Consultation about portable entitlement schemes for insecure work
o Expanding the Fair Work Act for the gig economy
o Inclusion of superannuation in the NES
o Long service leave?
While the scale of changes may feel daunting, MinterEllison Special Counsel, Leyla Dixon says that it’s important get across the raft of changes and make a start. “The key is to do some planning and get your documentation right, and then it’s going to be achievable,” she told us at a recent Brisbane HR leaders forum.
“If you’re in Enterprise Bargaining, make sure you have you’ve got your bargaining strategy worked out before changes start on 6th June,” suggests MinterEllison Partner, Deanna McMaster.
“HR and WHS functions must work together to address psychosocial health and safety, gather data, manage risks and renovate board reports,” said MinterEllison Special Counsel, Leyla Dixon.
Don't get caught off guard (or caught short-handed!) when it comes to navigating these significant regulatory changes. If you don’t have the time or the capabilities within your team, we can help.
As specialist HR recruitment and search consultants The Next Step have extensive networks of HR professionals with employee and industrial relations experience (ER/IR) and WHS specialists on-hand to support you in managing the complexities of new legislation. Available on either a permanently or short-term basis, they'll provide invaluable support during transition periods.
Seasoned consultants with expertise in industrial relations, psychosocial health and safety, and broader work health and safety can not only enhance your HR team's effectiveness but also build a stronger foundation of skills within the team.
Geraldine Doyle is The Next Step’s QLD Director. She has been supporting QLD businesses and HR professionals for 18+ years.
She focusses on long-term relationships, quality connections and exemplary service.
Please note: This article includes a general overview for information purposes. For more details please seek specific legal advice that considers your specific circumstances.
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