Consultants & Team

Geraldine Doyle



Geraldine builds long-term relationships with candidates and supports them through both their career journey and their recruitment needs as clients.  
I never quite knew what I wanted to be when I grew up but I knew it involved being with people and doing something good. I studied journalism and psychology and eventually found myself in recruitment, where I have been for over ten years. I originally worked in London as a Consultant, then Sydney and now Brisbane as Practice Manager.
HR recruitment has been my specialisation for most of my career, and while I have been tempted many times to move into HR, the stories I hear each day have kept me in the fun and challenging recruitment sector.
I want you to make good decisions in your career, ones that are sustainable with your life as a whole. As a result I find myself being more of a career coach, providing honest and effective feedback and ensuring we stay in touch.
I am a mother, sister, daughter, aunty, wife and friend, all of which keeps me very busy. In between I manage some properties, try to keep fit (or make excuses); enjoy good food and wine and try to find more time!

Consultant Jobs


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