Diversity, equity and inclusion should be lead from the heart, as well as the head believes Akhil Palta, a Learning & Organisational Development Leader.
To learn more, The Next Step’s Daniel Ladd-Hudson spoke to Akhil about his experience's with diversity projects in Saudi Arabia and his passion for inclusion within the workplace. Watch the video below or read on to learn more.
I was inspired by my father, add name if comfortable doing so, who travelled extensively around India for work. He encouraged me to take an interest in different people and places.
Over the years, I have lucky enough to work in many corners of the globe including the Philippines, America, Sri Lanka and South Africa. My time abroad taught me one key thing: People may differ; Cultures may differ, but being human unites us all.
I learnt that if you respect people and their culture, you will be respected in return. This philosophy guides my career.
Arriving in Saudi Arabia with only limited language, I was tagged ‘Ajnabi’ (meaning an ‘An Outsider’). I knew this perception would limit my professional opportunities, and I set out to change it.
Working alongside locals, I learnt to love their food, customs and culture. I could also see that Saudi Women really wanted career opportunities.
Having the lens of both ‘outsider’ and ‘insider’ helped change my cultural prism.
The organisation I worked for at the time, strategically decided to pioneer a female-operated call centre. The objective was to create opportunities for Saudi women.
Saudi Arabia is a conservative society governed by Islamic laws. Life and career opportunities for women are highly restrictive, limited mostly to schools and hospitals.
Right from inception I knew it was not going to be an easy ride. As an organisation we were committed to breaking down barriers, however, on the ground there were significant cultural, socio-political, and infrastructural challenges. For example, potential employees had to obtain written approval from their family; male and female sections of the building had to be kept entirely separate; and we had to undergo approvals and audits from religious and moral government agencies.
Despite significant cultural barriers, I was able to set up an exclusive female training team to pilot the project. We went live with 20 women. An overwhelmingly positive response from customers strengthened our business case and we scaled up to almost 900 women during my tenure. Currently the organisation employs over 1500 women.
I learnt that barriers can be overcome and that it’s important to focus on creating possibilities. Piloting the project was a great way for all parties to experience what those possibilities would look like.
We all make mistakes, but we can make a difference by making an active commitment to diversity. Remember that ‘Inclusion’ and ‘Exclusion’ can happen in momentary interactions.
I believe the best way to make a difference is to:
Are you a Human Resources professional with a passion for diversity and inclusion? As HR recruitment and search specialists we can help connect you with a like-minded employer..
Do you want help with a new diversity inclusion initative in your workplace? As Australia's longest serving specialist HR recruitment consultancy we can connect you with permanent or temporary Diversity, Equity and Inclusion specialists.
Daniel Ladd-Hudson is a Principal Consultant with The Next Step. He supports HR leadership appointments in the Victorian and Queensland regions. With 25-years experience working in recruitment, Daniel is well-recognised for assisting executives across Asia, Europe and the US to create positive candidate experiences.
Date published : 22/11/2022
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